Source code for

import asyncio
import functools
import os
import signal
import sys
import time

import tornado.autoreload
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.web
from django.conf import settings
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

from hurricane.amqp import logger
from hurricane.amqp.basehandler import _AMQPConsumer
from hurricane.amqp.worker import AMQPClient
from hurricane.metrics import StartupTimeMetric
from hurricane.server import make_probe_server, sanitize_probes

[docs]class Command(BaseCommand): """ Starting a Tornado-powered Django AMQP 0-9-1 consumer. Implements consume command as a management command for django application. The new command can be called using ``python consume <arguments>``. Arguments: - ``--queue`` - the AMQP 0-9-1 queue to consume from - ``--exchange`` - the AMQP 0-9-1 exchange to declare - ``--amqp-port`` - the message broker connection port - ``--amqp-host`` - the host address of the message broker - ``--amqp-vhost`` - the virtual host of the message broker to use with this consumer - ``--handler`` - the Hurricane AMQP handler class (dotted path) - ``--startup-probe`` - the exposed path (default is /startup) for probes to check startup - ``--readiness-probe`` - the exposed path (default is /ready) for probes to check readiness - ``--liveness-probe`` - the exposed path (default is /alive) for probes to check liveness - ``--probe-port`` - the port for Tornado probe route to listen on - ``--req-queue-len`` - threshold of length of queue of request, which is considered for readiness probe - ``--no-probe`` - disable probe endpoint - ``--no-metrics`` - disable metrics collection - ``--autoreload`` - reload code on change - ``--debug`` - set Tornado's Debug flag - ``--reconnect`` - try to reconnect this client automatically as the broker is available again - ``--max-lifetime``- If specified, maximum requests after which pod is restarted """ help = "Start a Tornado-powered Django AMQP 0-9-1 consumer"
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser): """ Defines arguments, that can be accepted with ``consume`` command. """ parser.add_argument("--queue", type=str, default="", help="The AMQP 0-9-1 queue to consume from") parser.add_argument("--exchange", type=str, default="", help="The AMQP 0-9-1 exchange to declare") parser.add_argument( "--amqp-port", type=int, help="The message broker connection port", ) parser.add_argument( "--amqp-host", type=str, help="The host address of the message broker", ) parser.add_argument( "--amqp-vhost", type=str, help="The virtual host of the message broker to use with this consumer", ) parser.add_argument("handler", type=str, help="The Hurricane AMQP handler class (dotted path)") parser.add_argument( "--liveness-probe", type=str, default="/alive", help="The exposed path (default is /alive) for probes to check liveness", ) parser.add_argument( "--readiness-probe", type=str, default="/ready", help="The exposed path (default is /ready) for probes to check readiness", ) parser.add_argument( "--startup-probe", type=str, default="/startup", help="The exposed path (default is /startup) for probes to check startup", ) parser.add_argument( "--probe-port", type=int, default=8001, help="The port for Tornado probe route to listen on", ) parser.add_argument("--req-queue-len", type=int, default=10, help="Length of the request queue") parser.add_argument("--no-probe", action="store_true", help="Disable probe endpoint") parser.add_argument("--no-metrics", action="store_true", help="Disable metrics collection") parser.add_argument("--autoreload", action="store_true", help="Reload code on change") parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="Set Tornado's Debug flag") parser.add_argument( "--reconnect", action="store_true", help="Try to reconnect this client automatically as the broker is available again", ) parser.add_argument( "--webhook-url", type=str, help="Url for webhooks", ) parser.add_argument( "--max-lifetime", type=int, default=None, help="Maximum requests after which pod is restarted" )
[docs] def handle(self, *args, **options): """ Defines functionalities for different arguments. After all arguments were processed, it starts the async event loop. """ start_time = time.time()"Starting a Tornado-powered Django AMQP consumer") if options["autoreload"]: tornado.autoreload.start()"Autoreload was performed") # sanitize probes: returns regexps for probes in options and their representations for logging options, probe_representations = sanitize_probes(options) # set the probe routes if not options["no_probe"]:"Probe application running on port {options['probe_port']}") probe_application = make_probe_server(options, self.check) probe_application.listen(options["probe_port"]) else:"No probe application running") connection = self.set_connection_values(options) # load the handler class _amqp_consumer = import_string(options["handler"]) if not issubclass(_amqp_consumer, _AMQPConsumer): logger.error(f"The type {_amqp_consumer} is not subclass of _AMQPConsumer") raise CommandError("Cannot start the consumer due to an implementation error") worker = AMQPClient( _amqp_consumer, queue_name=options["queue"], exchange_name=options["exchange"], amqp_host=connection["amqp_host"], amqp_port=connection["amqp_port"], amqp_vhost=connection["amqp_vhost"], ) # prepate the io loop loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() def ask_exit(signame):"Received signal {signame}. Shutting down now.") loop.stop() sys.exit(0) for signame in ("SIGINT", "SIGTERM"): loop.add_signal_handler(getattr(signal, signame), functools.partial(ask_exit, signame)) end_time = time.time() time_elapsed = end_time - start_time StartupTimeMetric.set(time_elapsed)["reconnect"])
def set_connection_values(self, options): # load connection data connection = {} if "amqp_host" in options and options["amqp_host"]: connection["amqp_host"] = options["amqp_host"] elif hasattr(settings, "AMQP_HOST"): connection["amqp_host"] = settings.AMQP_HOST elif os.getenv("AMQP_HOST"): connection["amqp_host"] = os.getenv("AMQP_HOST") else: raise CommandError( "The amqp host must not be empty: set it either as environment AMQP_HOST, " "in the django settings as AMQP_HOST or as optional argument --amqp-host" ) if "amqp_port" in options and options["amqp_port"]: connection["amqp_port"] = options["amqp_port"] elif hasattr(settings, "AMQP_PORT"): connection["amqp_port"] = settings.AMQP_PORT elif os.getenv("AMQP_PORT"): connection["amqp_port"] = int(os.getenv("AMQP_PORT")) else: raise CommandError( "The amqp port must not be empty: set it either as environment AMQP_PORT, " "in the django settings as AMQP_PORT or as optional argument --amqp-port" ) connection["amqp_vhost"] = "/" if "amqp_vhost" in options and options["amqp_vhost"]: connection["amqp_vhost"] = options["amqp_vhost"] elif hasattr(settings, "AMQP_VHOST"): connection["amqp_vhost"] = settings.AMQP_VHOST elif os.getenv("AMQP_VHOST"): connection["amqp_vhost"] = os.getenv("AMQP_VHOST") return connection